• 24 июня 2019, понедельник
  • Орел, Орёл, Кромское ш., 4

Russian-Turkish Business and Culturel Forum. Diyaloğunun genişletilmesi. Yatırım ve yeni ticaret bölgesi.

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ООО "Рью-мьюзик продакшн"
1860 дней назад
24 июня 2019 c 12:00 до 20:00
Орёл, Кромское ш., 4

The momentous event, uniting on one platform the Russian and Turkish business representatives and government officials for the dialogue and enhanced cooperation, for familiarization with investment platforms and opportunities for business development in the region, for the investors` invitation to the Oryol region, and for the search of new partners, clients and for business extend. The cultural program is also planned. 24 June 2019/ The time and date are being negotiated and coming soon. Relevant information: www.rtforum.ru

The main aims of the Forum 
1. Introduction to the investments platforms, possibilities and preferences in the Oryol region for business and investors,introduction to the measures of the State support for business,creation of favourable conditions for investors and business cooperation(the presentation of neighbouring regions is also planned)
2. Creation of the platform for the dialogue of business representatives of both countries in order to find new business partners,distributors; to extend the cooperation, markets and to increase the income.
3. Initiating constructive dialogue between business and  the authorities. The discussion and overcoming of the cooperation barriers and difficulties occurred in practice.
4. Expansion of business contacts and also in the spheres of culture and education (public and public-private partnership, business environment).
5. Tourism development.
6. Consolidation of cultural and business relations, consolidation of the friendship between the  people of Turkey and Russia.

Participants: Turkish and Russian business representatives, authorities (the level of the participants is agreed upon the preliminary requests from the potential participants),, the Ministry of Economic Development experts, etc. The list of the guests and experts is being negotiated.

Areas of cooperation: tourism, banking (finance), agriculture, food, textile, construction and others.
(we ask the participants to apply in advance so that we could suggest the relevant potential Russian partners participating in the Forum)

The participation is free.

The participation in the invest-projects presentation is paid. (the detailed information is in the plan of the event)

Shuttle to the place for the event, accommodation (if necessary) and  basic nutrition are financed by the sending country (organizations, participants). Coffee break and dinner are planned at the expense of the organizers.

The organizers assist in organization of the shuttle, nutrition, accommodation.

The intersectoral  exhibition is planned (we ask the participant to send the requests and wishes on the exhibition in order to demonstrate your goods and services.

The Forum is open for the participants of different levels and areas of activity.

Advantages of the business in the region.
It is a well-known fact that central regions of Russia are attractive for investors and business. But major cities differ in terms of a high competitiveness, expensive resources, limited capacities to free platforms for realization of new projects and high cost of the projects.

Benefits for business in the region:
The existence of free platforms and ample opportunity for projects realization
Relatively low costs of production
Low-cost resources, savings on the wage (inexpensive and qualified employees)
New active partners, distributors, clients
Considerable market for your products, geographical proximity to the major export markets
A wide spectrum of support, preferences for the investors, reduction of the tax burden

The advantageous geographical location: it takes 4 hours to get from Moscow to Oryol, it adjoins to the route M4- Crimea, the European route E-105,  Oryol – Moscow railway. The region is situated in the centre of the Russian Central Federal Area  at the intersection of the highway and railway «North-South» and «West-East».

The major factories, trade networks and other objects for your business expansion are situated on the territory of the region.

The partners: Orel region Development Corporation, Oryol State University named by I.S.Turgenev, Intourist and others (the full list of the partners is being negotiated).



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